Saturday, October 15, 2011


Astoria, New York City
"Two separate professions with different end results" says FPG. Doctors have one thing in mind and that to cure a patient and make sure that they do their best at it. They don't want a little mistake that can become a big lawsuit and cost them their medical license. With economists, they can make plenty of inaccurate predictions and nothing happens to them. Life goes on. They will make a comment saying that they did not know or they did not expect something to happen that changed the end result. How accountable is your economist to what he or she says? "No accountability whatsoever. Just bite the bullet." says FPG. " Doctors have no easy way out, but economists do. Economists can destroy the economy by advising banks and politicians." FPG recalls Larry Kudlow as he twisted the real estate question 's answer around to make it look like that he was correct. " There are many Kudlows out there and that has a devastating multiplier effect" finalized FPG.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Astoria, New York
It was 494 BC when the plebeians of the newly formed Roman Republic rebelled against the patricians who controlled the city of Rome. After more than two centuries under the rule of the roman kings ( Rome was founded by king Romulus ), most of the citizens of Rome were plebeians. They did not share the wealth and the power of the patricians who were the minority. The plebeians were the artisans, the shop owners, the flea market vendors, the bakers, the farmers. They were people who had to work hard to earn a living. And still, they had to pay high rents to the enriched patricians who took away their working pot earnings. Today in New York City, a new movement, inspired by the ideals of the working Romans 2 and half milleniums ago, is the so called Occupy Wall Street Movement. While the Roman Plebeians left Rome and went to Mons Sacer ( Sacred Mountain ), the protesters of Occupy Wall Street have remained in New York City and have made Zuccotti Park, near Wall Street, their sacred home. The Real Economist Blogspot will continue to monitor this situation as it grows throughout other US Cities. " This is all about economics and the politics of money " said FPG. " When you try to play with economics like many politicians and economists do, you get these undesired results in the population unrest against aristocracy. Capitalism is a beautiful thing in idea but when it comes down to the facts, it is something that is manipulated with." FPG blames rising costs of necessity items and the greed of management of public companies who take advantage of normal shareholders by giving themselves all kinds of perks and bonuses besides getting high salaries. " I believe that this is a difficult journey for Occupy Wall Street protesters due to legal complexity surrounding Wall Street aristocrats and fat cats. We all should know that the legal power of Wall Street is more powerful than any other out there and to break it, it might take to power of something even bigger and that is the might of the US Government."




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